This site is mostly used for my email, but there are a few tidbits of information which may be useful to others.
PersonalCognos 8 |
Greg's WebsiteMy oldest son, Greg, loves computers and has been designing web sites since fourth grade. I am very proud of him. He is currently a freshman at Natick High taking honors classes and doing very well. He built and maintains his own website called GregsWebMagic where you can see a sample of his work. It is always in a state of flux while he takes on new projects and learns new things. Select Prompt ValuesBy inserting an html tag in a Cognos prompt page you can use JavaScript to select default values. This script assumes a nightly load of data and selects the most recently completed month and year in the prompts as of yesterday. Code to be inserted here shortly. Delete headingsCode to be inserted here shortly. |